
Healthcare Blog Post


Medical Practice Blog Post

Your gynecologist will join your regular care team if they haven’t already. This professional is uniquely qualified to treat women’s health issues, including family planning, sexually transmitted disease prevention and treatment, and more. You spend time speaking with them about intimate topics, and they will examine the most private parts of your body. 

For these reasons, it is essential that they are qualified and qualified and that you feel comfortable with them and their practice.

Gynecologist Vs. Family Doctor

Some women depend on their family doctor to perform their yearly gynecologic screenings and exams. However, you must leverage the expertise that only OB/GYNs can offer. These physicians regularly help their patients with fertility problems, birth control, and cancer prevention.

Making the connection and developing a relationship as early as possible is extremely important. This way, the doctor can follow your care and your body throughout the different stages of your life. Read More Here

Science Field Blog Post

Simplifying HPLC/GC Troubleshooting

Medical Lab Blog Post

Troubleshooting is a broad term that can lead to an overwhelming feeling when faced with a problem. However, the task can be simplified by breaking down each step. Here, Axion Analytical Labs Dr. Lee Polite suggests that when starting with a troubleshooting problem in chromatography, it is important to start with the symptoms or problems you are facing that have caused you to search for troubleshooting help.

A simple walkthrough of the symptoms of both GC and HPLC and the steps to reaching a solution follows.

Troubleshooting Shifting Retention Time in Gas Chromatography

Identifying the Problem

For example, we focus on a GC that has shifted or changed retention time. Identifying a substance can be based on its retention time. When a peak comes off the window, it’s the peak of interest within a specific window. When conducting forensic analysis on a substance to determine if it is cocaine, if it falls in the window – it is cocaine. 

If the retention time has drifted, another peak will inaccurately land in the window, incorrectly labeled as cocaine. As you can see, drifting retention times can be extremely detrimental in GC. Read More Here

Med Spa Blog Post – Ghostwritten

Wellness Spa Blog Post

The sun is beneficial to our health, generating vitamin D production, promoting good mental health, helping to fortify our bones, and controlling our blood pressure. Its rays are always around; from season to season, rain, or shine. They even break through the clouds on an overcast day. As lovely as the sun’s rays are, you should wear an SPF product daily! 

SPF & The Sun’s Damaging Rays

The not-so-good news is that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Excessive sun exposure can age the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. For this reason, wearing sunscreen is always recommended for everyday use no matter the weather or season. 

Protects from Sun Damage

Sunscreen protects your skin by blocking ultraviolet radiation that leads to sunburn and skin cancer. While no product is 100% effective, they can lessen the effects of the rays. The SPF measures how well the product protects against harmful ultraviolet rays. When a product is SPF 30, it can block approximately 97% of the rays. An SPF of 50 can block 98% of UV rays. Read more…

Baby, Come Back – Winning Fitness Clients Back Blog Post | B. Well

Marketing automation can launch your business success. Strategically leading them down the path to commitment is what our marketing automation packages do for studios like yours.

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation entails using technology to automate your company’s marketing activities.  Not only does automating your marketing strategy ensure that you are consistent and stay in touch without dedicating a lot of your time to one activity, but it also helps build positive relationships. When you automate your marketing, you can deliver personalized messages at just the right time and keep them engaged with your fitness studio or gym.

Marketing Automation for Fitness Studios

With marketing automation, you can take what is very personal to your clients – their journey on their way to fitness and deliver personalized messages that speak to them and show that they are appreciated.  The right strategy will ensure that your relationships are strengthened, retention is optimized, and your revenue increases.

In the wake of the COVID pandemic, the fitness industry was one of the first to be shut down. With businesses reopening comes the need for a strategy to get clients back in the gym. Opening is only half of the challenge, now fitness studios must ensure that they are operating within the parameters outlined by the CDC.  Communicating these changes is a vital part of reopening. Being able to craft messages that speak to the concerns and pain points of each member is important.  Your messages to them must be calculated. Read more…